A New European Bauhaus iniciative


  •                 “Stüa is a nomadic collective that brings people together to activate spaces through building modular, transportable structures, centered around a communal oven. Our work invites communities to join a hands-on, co-creative process, using diverse construction techniques to shape shared spaces.

    We see the act of making bread—mixing water and flour into a living dough—as a metaphor for imagining and shaping our collective future. As we knead, we reflect on what we want our communities to be, and how we can break down rigid structures to create more inclusive, caring environments for everyone.

    Our work builds a network of connection between individuals, communities, and nature—like a mycelial web of shared stories and desires. Together, we create an evolving map of possibilities for the future.

Project Status

  1. Values, Vision and Mission
  2. Who we are 
  3. Our brief history
  4. Articles and publications 
  5. Network and partnership


  1. STÜA Oven-01
  2. Why rammed earth?
  3. Manufacture and co-creation
  4. Workshops and gathering
  5. Scalability


  1. STÜA Oven-02


Further info →

1. Value, Vision and Mission

The project aims to connect communities and activate spaces by building modular multi-usage structures with a central oven through a co-creative building process using rammed earth as main construction technique.



To create communal spaces that connect communities and promote collaboration through shared activities centred around modular, multi-use structures.


We design and construct modular, eco-friendly structures with gathering spaces and central ovens to promote social cohesion through collaborative activities. Our urban furniture bridges communities and makes public areas more vibrant and inclusive.


Community and collaboration are central beliefs for us. Our structures promote social cohesion by facilitating communal activities where people unite across boundaries to cook, create, and converse. This fosters stronger bonds within diverse groups.

We greatly value sustainability through eco-friendly and enduring materials to minimize environmental impact. Accessibility and inclusion are also key priorities. We welcome all by activating public spaces to enable vibrant, diverse engagement.

Additionally, we aim to rekindle the spirit of connectivity of ancient hearths and ovens. Our structures blend modern design with homage to rich cultural traditions that have long convened communities.

These core values of unity, sustainability, diversity, and preservation guide our vision to construct modular hubs that enliven spaces and bring people together. We believe in the power of shared spaces for nurturing community, creativity, and collaboration.